What does “hon” mean in Japanese?
Native speakers often say “hon” to mean ‘book’ or ‘books’ in Japanese. Very simple, I think. When it follows a numeral, however, it works as a counter suffix for cylindrical-shaped things. In this blog post, I will explain this word and its usages through example sentences. My explanations would help Japanese learners to understand how to use “hon” more clearly. Then, let’s get started!
Definition and meaning of “hon”
Let me start with the definition and meaning of “hon”.
- hon – 本 (ほん) : a noun meaning ‘book’ in Japanese. This can also work as a plural noun. Learn more about Japanese plural.
The definition and meaning are very simple and clear, I think. It’s worth mentioning, however, that this word can work as a counter suffix for cylindrical-shaped things like pencils. So, when this follows a numeral, we need to be careful with its meaning. When it works alone, not after a numeral, it means ‘book’ or ‘books’.
Then, let me explain how to use “hon” through the example sentences below.
Example #1: how to say “books” in Japanese
kanojo wa hon ga suki desu – 彼女は本が好きです (かのじょはほんがすきです)
She likes books.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- kanojo – 彼女 (かのじょ) : a pronoun meaning ‘she’ in Japanese.
- wa – は : a binding particle working as a case marker or topic marker. In the example, this works after “kanojo” to make the subject word in the sentence.
- ga – が : a case particle used to make the subject word or the object word in a sentence. In the example, this works after “hon” to make the object word in the sentence.
- suki – 好き (すき) : one conjugation of the na-adjective, “sukina”, which means ‘favorite’ in Japanese. In reality, however, this often works like an individual word to mean ‘to like’ or ‘to love’ in Japanese. In the example, actually, this works to mean ‘to like’.
- desu – です : an auxiliary verb used after a noun or adjective to make it polite. Probably, this is well known as a part of Japanese desu form. In the example, this works after “suki” to make it sound polite.
This is a typical usage of “hon”. In the example, it works as a plural noun to say “books” in Japanese. When we want to say “book” or “books” in Japanese, this word is a very good option.
Example #2: how to use “hon” as a counter
kanojo wa ni hon enpitsu wo kat ta – 彼女は二本鉛筆を買った (かのじょはにほんえんぴつをかった)
She bought two pencils.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- ni – 二 (に) : a numeral meaning ‘two’ in Japanese.
- enpitsu – 鉛筆 (えんぴつ) : a noun meaning ‘pencil’ in Japanese. This can also work as a plural noun.
- wo – を : a case particle used to make the object word in a sentence. In the example, this works after “enpitsu” to make the object word in the sentence.
- kat – 買っ (かっ) : one conjugation of the verb, “kau”, which means ‘to buy’ or ‘to purchase’ in Japanese. In the example, it has been conjugated for the better connection with its following word.
- ta – た : an auxiliary verb used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to make its past tense form. Probably, this is well known as a part of Japanese ta form. In the example, this works after “kat” to make its past tense form, “kat ta”.
This is another typical usage of “hon”. In this example, it follows the numeral, “ni”, and works as a counter suffix for pencils. Its use as a counter is not limited to pencils; it can work for other cylindrical-shaped things as well.
In this blog post, I’ve explained “hon” and how to use it through the example sentences. Let me summarize them as follows.
- hon – 本 (ほん) : a noun meaning ‘book’ in Japanese. This can also work as a plural noun meaning ‘books’. This word can work as a counter suffix for cylindrical-shaped things like pencils. So, when this follows a numeral, we need to be careful with its meaning. When it works alone, not after a numeral, it means ‘book’ or ‘books’.
Hope my explanations are understandable and helpful for Japanese learners.
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