What does “kasegu” mean in Japanese?
Native speakers say “kasegu” often to mean ‘to earn’ in Japanese. Perhaps, some Japanese learners know this verb as it is sometimes used in Japanese conversations. In this blog post, however, I will explain it together with its major conjugations. And also, I will explain how to use them through example sentences. My explanations would help Japanese learners use “kasegu” more properly. Then, let’s get started!
- Definition and meanings of “kasegu”
- Kaseganai: the nai form of “kasegu”
- Kasegou: the volitional form of “kasegu”
- Kasegimasu: the masu form of “kasegu”
- Kaseida: the past tense form of “kasegu”
- Kaseide: the te form of “kasegu”
- Kasegeba: the ba form of “kasegu”
- Summary
Definition and meanings of “kasegu”
Let me start with the definition and meanings of “kasegu”.
- kasegu – 稼ぐ (かせぐ) : a verb meaning ‘to earn’ or just ‘to make money’ in Japanese. Depending on the word used together, this can also mean ‘to buy time’ in Japanese.
The definition and meanings are not that difficult. Then, let me explain how to use this verb through the example sentence below.
Example #1: how to say “earn” in Japanese
watashi tachi wa mainichi okane wo kasegu – 私達は毎日お金を稼ぐ (わたしたちはまいにちおかねをかせぐ)
We earn money every day.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- watashi – 私 (わたし) : a pronoun meaning ‘I’ in Japanese.
- tachi – 達 (たち) : a suffix used after a noun or pronoun to make its plural form. In the example, this is used after “watashi” to make its plural form, “watashi tachi”, which means ‘we’ in Japanese. Learn more about Japanese plural.
- wa – は : a binding particle working as a case marker or topic marker. In the example, this works after “watashi tachi” to make the subject in the sentence.
- mainichi – 毎日 (まいにち) : a noun meaning ‘every day’ in Japanese. This can also work as an adverb almost anywhere in a sentence. In the example, this works as an adverb in the middle of the sentence to say “every day” in Japanese.
- okane – お金 (おかね) : a noun meaning ‘money’ in Japanese.
- wo – を : a case particle used to make the object word in a sentence. In the example, this is used after “okane” to make the object in the sentence.
This is a typical usage of “kasegu”. In the example, it works together with the case particle, “wo”, to have the object. When we want to mean ‘to earn’ in Japanese, this verb is a good option.
So far, I’ve explained the definition and meanings of “kasegu” and how to use it through the example sentence. In the rest part of this blog post, I will explain its major conjugations. The first one is “kaseganai”.
Kaseganai: the nai form of “kasegu”
Below are the definition and meanings of “kaseganai”.
- kaseganai – 稼がない (かせがない) : the nai form of “kasegu”, which means ‘not to earn’, ‘not to make money’, or ‘not to buy time’ in Japanese.
Grammatically, “kaseganai” consists of the following two parts:
- kasega – 稼が (かせが) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “nai”.
- nai – ない : an auxiliary verb used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to deny its meaning. Word orders in Japanese and English are different, but the role of this auxiliary verb is very similar to that of “not”.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kaseganai” is literally the nai form of “kasegu” and means ‘not to earn’, ‘not to make money’, or ‘not to buy time’ in Japanese. Then, let me explain how to use this form through the example sentence below.
Example #2: how to say “not earn” in Japanese
kanojo wa zenzen kaseganai – 彼女は全然稼がない (かのじょはぜんぜんかせがない)
She doesn’t earn money at all.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- kanojo – 彼女 (かのじょ) : a pronoun meaning ‘she’ in Japanese.
- zenzen – 全然 (ぜんぜん) : an adverb working in a negative sentence to mean ‘at all’ or such in Japanese.
This is a typical usage of “kaseganai”. When we want to mean ‘not to earn’ in Japanese, this nai form is a very good option.
Kasegou: the volitional form of “kasegu”
Below are the definition and meanings of “kasegou”.
- kasegou – 稼ごう (かせごう) : the volitional form of “kasegu”, which expresses volition to earn, make money, or buy time.
Grammatically, “kasegou” consists of the following two parts:
- kasego – 稼ご (かせご) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “u”.
- u – う : an auxiliary verb used after a verb to make its volitional form.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kasegou” is literally the volitional form of “kasegu” and expresses volition to earn, make money, or buy time in Japanese. Then, let me explain how to use this form through the example sentence below.
Example #3: how to say “let’s make money” in Japanese
sukoshi okane wo kasegou – 少しお金を稼ごう (すこしおかねをかせごう)
Let’s make a little money.
Below is the new word used in the example sentence.
- sukoshi – 少し (すこし) : an adverb meaning ‘a little’ or such in Japanese.
This is a typical usage of “kasegou”. In this example, it works to make the suggestion. When we want to say “let’s make money” in Japanese, this volitional form is a good option.
Kasegimasu: the masu form of “kasegu”
Below are the definition and meanings of “kasegimasu”.
- kasegimasu – 稼ぎます (かせぎます) : the masu form of “kasegu”, which means ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ politely in Japanese.
Grammatically, “kasegimasu” consists of the following two parts:
- kasegi – 稼ぎ (かせぎ) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “masu”.
- masu – ます : an auxiliary verb used after a verb to make it polite. Probably, this is well known as a part of Japanese masu form.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kasegimasu” is literally the masu form of “kasegu” and means ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ politely in Japanese. Then, let me explain how to use this form through the example sentence below.
Example #4: how to say “earn” politely in Japanese
watashi no kareshi wa maiban okane wo kasegimasu – 私の彼氏は毎晩お金を稼ぎます (わたしのかれしはまいばんおかねをかせぎます)
My boyfriend earns money every night.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- no – の : a case particle used after a noun or pronoun to make its possessive case. In the example, this is used after “watashi” to make its possessive case, “watashi no“, which means ‘my’ in Japanese.
- kareshi – 彼氏 (かれし) : a noun meaning ‘boyfriend’ in Japanese.
- maiban – 毎晩 (まいばん) : a noun meaning ‘every night’ in Japanese. This can also work as an adverb almost anywhere in a sentence. In the example, this works as an adverb in the middle of the sentence to say “every night” in Japanese.
This is a typical usage of “kasegimasu”. Its politeness has not been reflected in the English sentence, but the Japanese sentence sounds polite thanks to the masu form. When we want to say “earn” politely in Japanese, this form is a good option.
Kaseida: the past tense form of “kasegu”
Below are the definition and meanings of “kaseida”.
- kaseida – 稼いだ (かせいだ) : the past tense form of “kasegu”, which means ‘earned’, ‘made money’, ‘bought time’, or such in Japanese.
Grammatically, “kaseida” consists of the following two parts:
- kasei – 稼い (かせい) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “da”.
- da – だ : the voiced version of “ta” which is an auxiliary verb used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to make its past tense form.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kaseida” is literally the past tense form of “kasegu” and means ‘earned’, ‘made money’, ‘bought time’, or such in Japanese. Let me explain how to use this form through the example sentence below.
Example #5: how to say “earned” in Japanese
kon’ya wa watashi mo okane wo kaseida – 今夜は私もお金を稼いだ (こんやはわたしもおかねをかせいだ)
Tonight I earned money, too.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- kon’ya – 今夜 (こんや) : a noun meaning ‘tonight’ in Japanese. This can also work as an adverb almost anywhere in a sentence. In the example, this works as an adverb at the beginning of the sentence to say “tonight” in Japanese.
- mo – も : a binding particle making the subject word or the object word in a sentence with adding the meaning of ‘too’, ‘also’, or ‘as well’. In the example, this works after “watashi” to make the subject in the sentence with adding the meaning of ‘too’.
This is a typical usage of “kaseida”. When we want to use the past tense form of “kasegu”, this form is the best option.
Kaseide: the te form of “kasegu”
Below are the definition and meanings of “kaseide”.
- kaseide – 稼いで (かせいで) : the te form of “kasegu”, which means ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ in Japanese.
Grammatically, “kaseide” consists of the following two parts:
- kasei – 稼い (かせい) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “de”.
- de – で : the voiced version of “te” which is a conjunctive particle used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to make its te form.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kaseide” is literally the te form of “kasegu”. In Japanese, te-formed words have some important roles. One of them is make smooth connections of words. So, “kaseide” is very useful when we want to use “kasegu” in front of another verb, an adjective, or an auxiliary verb. Let me explain this usage through the example sentence below.
Example #6: how to say “earn and” in Japanese
watashi tachi wa mainichi okane wo kaseide tsukau – 私達は毎日お金を稼いで使う (わたしたちはまいにちおかねをかせいでつかう)
We earn money and use it every day.
Below is the new word used in the example sentence.
- tsukau – 使う (つかう) : a verb meaning ‘to use’ in Japanese.
This is a typical usage of “kaseide”. In the example, it has the smooth connection with “tsukau”. When we want to use “kasegu” in front of another verb like this, its te form is very useful to make a smooth connection.
Kasegeba: the ba form of “kasegu”
Lastly, let me explain the definition and meanings of “kasegeba”.
- kasegeba – 稼げば (かせげば) : the ba form of “kasegu”, which makes a conditional clause in a sentence with meaning ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ in Japanese.
Grammatically, “kasegeba” consists of the following two parts:
- kasege – 稼げ (かせげ) : one conjugation of “kasegu”. This can have a smooth connection with “ba”.
- ba – ば : a conjunctive particle used after a verb, adjective, or auxiliary verb to make its ba form.
From these two parts, we can understand that “kasegeba” is literally the ba form of “kasegu”. In Japanese, the ba forms of words can work as their conditional forms. So, we can use “kasegeba” to make a conditional clause in a sentence with adding the meaning of ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’. Let me explain this usage through the example sentence below.
Example #7: how to say “if make money” in Japanese
takusan okane wo kasegeba, okanemochi ni nareru – たくさんお金を稼げば、お金持ちになれる (たくさんおかねをかせげば、おかねもちになれる)
If you make much money, you can become rich.
Below are the new words used in the example sentence.
- takusan – たくさん : an adverb of degree meaning ‘much’ or such in Japanese.
- okanemochi – お金持ち (おかねもち) : a noun meaning ‘rich person’ in Japanese. This can also work as plural.
- ni – に : a case particle used to say what someone or something becomes after a change or action. In the example, this is used after “okanemochi” to say what the listener can become.
- nareru – なれる : a potential verb meaning ‘can become’ in Japanese.
This is a typical usage of “kasegeba”. In this example, it works as a part of the conditional clause, “takusan okane wo kasegeba”, which means ‘if you make much money’ in Japanese. When we want to make a conditional clause in a sentence with adding the meaning of ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ in Japanese, this ba form is a good option.
In this blog post, I’ve explained the definition and meanings of “kasegu” together with its major conjugations. And also, I’ve explained how to use them through the example sentences. Let me summarize them as follows.
- kasegu – 稼ぐ (かせぐ) : a verb meaning ‘to earn’ or just ‘to make money’ in Japanese. Depending on the word used together, this can also mean ‘to buy time’ in Japanese.
- kaseganai – 稼がない (かせがない) : the nai form of “kasegu”, which means ‘not to earn’, ‘not to make money’, or ‘not to buy time’ in Japanese.
- kasegou – 稼ごう (かせごう) : the volitional form of “kasegu”, which expresses volition to earn, make money, or buy time.
- kasegimasu – 稼ぎます (かせぎます) : the masu form of “kasegu”, which means ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ politely in Japanese.
- kaseida – 稼いだ (かせいだ) : the past tense form of “kasegu”, which means ‘earned’, ‘made money’, ‘bought time’, or such in Japanese.
- kaseide – 稼いで (かせいで) : the te form of “kasegu”, which means ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ in Japanese. When we want to use “kasegu” in front of another verb, this te form is very useful to make a smooth connection.
- kasegeba – 稼げば (かせげば) : the ba form of “kasegu”, which makes a conditional clause in a sentence with meaning ‘to earn’, ‘to make money’, or ‘to buy time’ in Japanese.
Hope my explanations are understandable and helpful for Japanese learners.